• instead of 'control & rules' you want 'trust': you choose how you will achieve goals and results;• instead of 'craftsmanship' you want 'professionalism': the team determines the success and you contribute to the whole;• instead of 'attending' you want to 'contribute': you can do things that you are good at.
1. Core competences at organizational level: the competitive advantage of your organization, resulting from the vision, mission and strategy, translates into observable characteristics;2. At process level competences fit roles: the necessary and required behaviour and the required knowledge to be successful in your specific role or roles;3. Your personal competences will fit on a personal level: the behaviour and knowledge that make you successful as a person in your organization.
At each level of competence, in addition to your already acquired competences, you also have specific needs to develop certain competences.
Now Performance College comes into the picture for you. When mapping your personal development plan, you use the Business Compass: see Quinn model.